Sri Lankan debt book - Both cover and pages were wrong? Can we ever recover?

Article's background Sri Lankan economic crisis is primarily a result of bankruptcy of the government on default of foreign debt and central bank of foreign currency reserve. Both debt and foreign reserve were managed by professional economists of the central bank for the past since 1950. I saw a Parliamentary debate recently on an extraordinary 75% increase in wages of the central bank. The ruling party members justified the wage increase as required to retain professional experts at the central bank, given its independence to take such decisions. The opposition responded that same experts caused the economy's bankrupt in 2022 and questioned the rationale of the wage increase while the rest of the economy is timed. Most do not understand that the central bank can make any spending by simply printing money digitally in its computers. Therefore, this short article will explain how the central bank and its experts should be held responsible for the economic crisis confronted by ...